
Epilepsy and Diet

Epilepsy in Dogs and Humans
Epilepsy and Diet
The G.A.R.D.
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In This Section:


The Epilepsy Diet Made Simple- Out of necessity, this is the same introductory paper I have on the G.A.R.D. section of this Website. It is a summary style piece that explains the logic behind the diet I have developed to help manage epilepsy. It is filled with "med-speak", however, and may be a bit more difficult for the layperson to understand than the following papers. I wrote this article in response to a request by doctors who were asking for a more concise, medically-oriented explanation of the diet to offer to their epileptic and pain suffering patients. It is about 5 pages long when printed out....a step in the right direction, anyway. I decided to lead this section with this paper even though it jumps right into topics that the rest of this section builds up to. Consider it an outline for what you will find in much greater detail in the papers and addendums that follow.

* How to Control Idiopathic Epilepsy Naturally- (New!!! as of 3-06) This paper is another work in progress. I will be updating this section as my studies continue. I have been successfully treating pets with epilepsy using diet changes alone for nearly 5 years now. The results have been as astounding. At first, I knew very little about how and why the response could be so dramatic when a patient was place on this restricted diet. But over the past 5 years, I have come to understand many of the pathomechanisms of food intolerance as well as other secondary factors that lead to this "syndrome" we call idiopathic epilepsy. I have also been pursuing research into supplements and other auxiliary therapies as well as helpful diagnostic testing in an attempt to insure and speed recovery. This paper helps to summarize my findings.

* Letter to a Mother of an Epileptic Child- (New as of 3/06). This letter summarizes what I believe causes this "syndrome" we call epilepsy and the logic behind my approach to treating this condition.

* Idiopathic Epilepsy- The Dietary Solution- This 13-page paper chronicles the discovery that limiting the diets of epileptic dogs will halt their seizures. It takes the reader through the step by step process that I went through to arrive at this conclusion. I do not claim to be the first nor the only one to have made the connection between food and epilepsy. However, this story describes exactly how I arrived at this independently of anyone else's work other than reading that celiac children (those with gluten intolerance) showed significant improvement in their seizures once wheat was eliminated from the diet. The rest was arrived at by my own medical research and "intuition", which was followed by even more research. For specific diet recommendations, see the section DogtorJ's Food Handout.

* My Current View of Epilepsy in a Nutshell- This letter to a client basically sums it all up. I will be writing an entirely new paper in the near future that will contain all of this information- and more. I think the following letter will serve this purpose for the time being. It has most of the elements of the "syndrome" we call epilepsy.

* An "Epilephany"- Viruses, Serotonin, and Light Boxes to Help Treat Epilepsy (New!!!)  This is a letter that I wrote to my friend and colleague Dr. Jean Dodds today (1-12-06). It started out...innocently enough...as a question that I was posing to her brilliant mind asking whether she thought that light therapy could help epileptics as it does people with seasonal affected disorder (SAD). Once we understand the vital serotonin connection, which this letter goes into more deeply, then we can see how light therapy...the right kind of light therapy... may benefit those with epilepsy by boosting their serotonin levels. BUT, as I am prone to do, I got a little off topic and unloaded some other loaded questions and thoughts on her. It turned out to be a pretty good summary of everything I know and believe about how diseases...yes all diseases...occur. Hope you get something good from it.

* Foods to Avoid, Foods to Enjoy- In this section, I will try to make it clear which foods should be avoided when coping with the "excitotoxin"-related disorders such as epilepsy, insomnia, ADHD, chronic pain (e.g. fibromyalgia), and neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS, MS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Huntington's, and more. Autistic patients should benefit from these dietary guidelines as well, especially the avoidance of the gluten grains, soy, and dairy products. Please also check out the autism, ADHD, and food addiction parts of the Appetizers section.

*Estrogens in Food- (link only) There are estrogens in foods which should be considered in formulating the ultimate diet, especially for women and those suffering from epilepsy, pain, and other excitotoxin-related disorders. We know that estrogens are inflammatory and immunosuppressive and sensitize neurons to the action of glutamate (e'g catamenial seizures, PMS). I will be expanding this section as time allows. Please also see the Appetizers section for more on this and other issues in women's health.

* Epilepsy Testimonials- (NEW!!!)  Here are some of your letters that state how the diet has helped your epileptic pet...or you. Yes, people are responding as well.

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I hope you enjoyed your time here and got something important from your stay. It is my goal to help all of mankind navigate through the jungle of medical information now available on the Internet and find the truth about the origins of what we call "disease" as well as discover the natural solutions for these conditions.
We do have our health's destiny in our own hands more than we've ever imagined, certainly more than most have ever been told. Think naturally and the answer will come.
Dogtor J
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