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*Frequently Asked Questions-  On this page you will find a list of questions that have been asked many times in Emails or the exam room "lectures" of Dogtor J. It is a work in progress and I will be updating it regularly. Feel free to suggest questions that should be covered in this section.

Frequently Asked Questions
(This area is under construction.)

The main topic under discussion will be food allergies and food intolerances. The rest of this Website goes into a more in-depth discussion of the implications of these two conditions in both veterinary and human health. The scope of this issue is deep and wide and is vital to everyone's understanding of the origin, pathophysiology, and treatment of the illnesses that afflict us all.

Please return regularly to review the changes that will be made over the near future. I will be working hard on this part of the site in order to make pertinent information more readily accessible.

In the meantime, check out some of these Websites that deal with gluten (wheat), casein (milk), and soy issues. They are real eye openers.


Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are the main conditions for which you recommend the elimination diet (The GARD)? 
In short....everything! Once we understand the damage that the "big 4" foods and other food additives do to people and pets, we can see why I recommend the diet for everyone, both as a treatment and as an extremely important part of preventation.
However, the common disorders that are associated directly with food intolerance are heartburn/acid reflux, intestinal distress (e.g. IBS), allergies, nasal congestion, migraines, chronic pain syndromes, fatigue, chronic and recurrent throat and ear infections, insomnia, skin rashes, asthma, and much more. Not everyone will have all symptoms. In fact, less than 1/4 of celiacs actually have chronic gastrointestinal problems. But how many people do you know who are completely healthy, showing none of the above signs?
The G.A.R.D. has yielded phenomenal results in epilepsy, fibromylagia, chronic fatigue syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral neuropathies, IBS/colitis, insomnia, and even neurodegerative conditions such as MS, Alzheimer's, and ALS.
Please see my Testimonials section or go to this Labrador retriever forum ( ) where I have placed numerous success stories concerning pets and people. 
2) What are the main foods to avoid on your diet?
The first things to eliminate are what I call the "big 4"...gluten (wheat, barley, rye), dairy products, soy and corn. After studying the effects of these foods and their lectins, I now often refer to them as "the four horsemen of the apocalypse". Melodramatic? Not when the reader fully understands the role they play in the demise of our health.
The next items to avoid are MSG, artificial sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, etc), hydrogenated oils (trans fats), artificial preservatives and colors, fluoridated water, and too much saturated fat and sugar. Sugar is not the root of all dietary evil. Too much sugar certainly can be a health hazard.
My Website goes into much great detail elsewhere. (e.g. Foods to Avoid, Foods to Enjoy )
3) What are the gluten grains?
The gluten-containing grains are wheat, barley, rye, and all forms of wheat including bulgar, durham, graham, spelt, spelta, kawmut, or triticale. Oats are considered gluten-free BUT are commonly contaminated with gluten when harvested along with wheat and barley. In fact, there are celiac sites that exhibit the results of testing common oat-containing products, listing those products that are "safe" versus contaminated with gluten.
4) What are the grain substitutes that are safe?
The healthy, gluten-grain-substitute carbohydrate sources are tapioca, sorghum, millet, oats (although many are contaminated with gluten being harvested along side of gluten grains), rice (varieties), potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, buckwheat, quinoa, peas (although they can cross-react with soy), amaranth, and flax.
5) What is so wrong with the "big 4"?
These four "foods" (gluten grains, dairy, soy, and corn) are the only four foods that I know of that can induce the changes in the intestinal tract (primarily the duodenum and jejunum) seen in celiac disease (gluten intolerance. The lesion is known as villous atrophy and involves damage to and atrophy of the tiny finger-like projections of the intestinal lining, which are responsible for absorption of nutrients.
The main nutrients absorbed by the duodenum and jejunum are calcium, iron, iodine, B complex, C, and trace minerals such as zinc, magnesium, boron, lithium, chromium, manganese, and more. It is easy to understand why people suffering from the food intolerances often have the worst osteoporosis, iron deficiency anemia, thyroid problems, failing immune systems, and poor skeletal systems.
In addition, gluten, dairy, and soy contain very high levels of dietary estrogens, which are inflammatory, immune suppressive, and neurologically stimulating. (PMS anyone?) They are also rich in the non-essential, neurostimulating amino acids glutamate and aspartate, the parent proteins in MSG and Nutrisweet respectively. These contribute greatly to ADHD, epilepsy, pain syndromes, neurodegenerative diseases (e.g. MS, ALS, Alzheimer's) and more. See The GARD and Epilepsy section for more details.
6) What is this "glue food" thing I keep reading about on your site?
Each of the "big 4" foods (gluten, casein from dairy, soy, and corn can be and have been used to make industrial adhesives. They have made powerful waterproof industrial adhesives from gluten, casein, and soy. In fact, soy protein is used to make incredibly strong super-glues with which they assemble your automobile. Your rear view mirror is stuck to the windshield using a soy-based super-glue. Wow!
Why is this important to see? Because it illustrates the tenacity of these food proteins. These trouble foods are "glycoproteins"- part carb, part protein- from their main structure right down to their molecular components (lectins). The lectins of these foods are very sticky and adhere to cells in the body inducing inflammation. Some individuals are much more intolerant of these lectins than others but the fact is that very high numbers of people are afflicted by one or more of the "big 4".
The "glue" principle is simply the thing "seen" to help us understand the things "unseen"- the adherence of these sticky proteins to tissue and blood cells, resulting in arthritis, neuropathies, blood disorders, and many other previously misunderstood conditions.
7) Aren't the proteins from "the four horseman" just a small part of the other chemical additives to make the glues like Soy's super glue?

Yes, at least they are now. Many glues are purely synthetic. So, the point (as I think you know) was not that all glue is made from these foods but that these foods CAN and have been used to make glue. Casein is used in paint bases as well. Corn adhesives have been  used to put cardboard boxes together. The cool thing to see is that the worst proteins have been used to
make the strongest glues, with corn being the least tenacious and the most well-tolerated of the four. Soy has the potential for being the worst protein to consume on the planet but the medical industry is waking up to the dangers of this guy quickly, thank God.

8) Looking at your recommended nutritional website on content of these grains, oats seem a little high in glutamate, what's the story on oats?

Oats are rich in glutamate. That's why I recommend that those with epilepsy, migraines, fibromyalgia, etc avoid them until they see a good resolution of their problem. Oats are gluten-free unless contaminated with other gluten grains (e.g. wheat) during harvesting, which unfortunately does occur with regularity. However, oats contain their own glycoprotein, avenin, to which individuals can become intolerant in the same way that celiacs become gluten intolerant.
Gluten, of course, is not the only rich source of glutamate, as nuts, seeds, cheese, soy, etc are also very rich in this non-essential amino acid. The problem with nuts is that we just eat too many of them. All we need is about 7 almonds or 10 peanuts to get what we need from them for the day. How many people do you know that eat only 7-10 peanuts. LOL

9) I'm often told that the non gluten breads contain flours the feel stickier than the gluten type, they  seem like they would stick more...(This is why I use  the flours mentioned above because they are low
glycemic and helps with weight control)

The key is the solubility in water. The problem with a large portion of the proteins from the gluten grains is that they are not water soluble, only being dissolved in alcohol. That is the cool part to see. The grains are made up of glutelins, which are water soluble proteins that provide amino acids upon digestion and prolamines, which are storage proteins that are only dissolvable in alcohol. Gluten is rich in prolamines, with gliadin being the biggest culprit.
"God's wheat" had 3-5% gluten. Man's wheat, which he created in the mid 400's AD by blending in two forms of Triticum, was much richer in gluten and became the wheat from which our current wheat arose ("common wheat"). Our wheat now has as much as 55% gluten. But, it doesn't stop there. Look at the bread bag. The first ingredient is wheat and the second ingredient is more wheat gluten. How many prolamines are in today's wheat??? Wow!

So yes, the gluten-free bread mixes may seem sticky but they are quickly broken up by water and will do so even more readily in our acid stomach. The gluten grains can only be broken down by fermentation and to a degree by toasting. (That is why whole wheat toast is "better for you" than plain white bread....unless you're a celiac. Then you can't have either.

Also, many of the gluten-free mixes use gums, etc. to make up for the lack of stickiness in the bread after it is made. This will make the mixes sticky when moist. But, when do you notice the lack of gluten? When you go to slice or eat a piece of gluten-free bread, right? It is crumbly because the glutelins have no stick-to-it-ness after baking.

The cool thing to see is why Italians (and French) drink so much wine. Wine is a solvent and will help to cleanse the villi. Also, the practice of eating the salad after the meal ("antipasta") was adopted to help cleanse their gut. I don't they knew what they were doing at the time but someone observed that they felt better after drinking some "paint cleaner" and then downing a "Brillo pad" to brush their villi. LOL

Good question, tho.

10)  Being a vet have you done any villi biopsy's to see if indeed there  is this build up on */healthy non-allergic/* pets?

No, I haven't. I have been focusing on the results of eliminating these things in as many as will comply. The results have been astounding.  I am in the process of composing a letter that I am about to send to the deans and heads of neurology and internal medicine describing my work and encouraging them to take this on a major study.

11)  Would Goat milk produce mucous like cow's milk?  Other than the casein difference what about all the other negatives associated with dairy?

It could if an individual were allergic to cow's milk, this allergy can spill over to goat milk consumption. There are common allergens between the two. However, it appears that the majority of people who have become cow milk allergic can tolerate goat milk. The biggest culprit is the casein, with goat milk having 0-2% casein and cow milk being a whopping 80-87% casein. There are other glycoproteins/lectins that can be offenders (such as alpha- and beta- lactalbumin) that may help to explain why some are also goat milk intolerant. But, I contend that if we never started drinking cow milk, we would have little to no problem with goat milk. Just keep in mind that if a person is as casein intolerant as some celiacs are to gluten, then goat milk can have enough to perpetuate a problem. Therefore, I recommend the elimination of goat milk initially, especially in the worst of the worst, at least until they have realized a satisfactory recovery. Then they can add in the goat milk products if they so desire. In the more mildly afflicted or those who are simply taking preventative measures, then switching from cow milk to goat milk products could be fine.

12)  What pet food do you recommend? (We have two small dogs).

I have a list of gluten, dairy, soy and corn free foods on my Website listed here: My DogtorJ's Pet Food Handout goes into when and why I recommend specific foods. I simply advise people to stay completely away from the "big 4" and use the rice and/or potato-based dry foods and canned foods that are free of these 4 foods. I use a lot of the Royal Canin/IVD potato-based foods (sold only through vets) for my worst
cases (including epilepsy) and have many clients feeding the Nutro Natural Choice Lamb and Rice foods (available at most pet shops). I also recommend supplementing with a fresh source of protein (eggs are ideal, unless
allergic to them), fruits, veggies, and omega three fatty acids with vitamin D.

I hope you enjoyed your time here and got something important from your stay. It is my goal to help all of mankind navigate through the jungle of medical information now available on the Internet and find the truth about the origins of what we call "disease" as well as discover the natural solutions for these conditions.
We do have our health's destiny in our own hands more than we've ever imagined, certainly more than most have ever been told. Think naturally and the answer will come.
Dogtor J
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The New is done! Yes, the time has finally come for this homemade Website to go the way of the buffalo. I know that you all join me in looking forward to using a site that is better organized and more accessible....prettier, too! I've even corrected most of those annoying typos (I hope).

Feel free to check it out now at I am still working hard to populate all of the pages so don't worry if a link does not work. They should all be active in the near future. In the meantime, this current site will remain on-line until I get all of the bugs worked out.

Let me know what you think! It's not too late to make some changes.
Dogtor J

would still like to hear from you personally, though.
I used to have a nice little form in this space that would allow readers to send me a quick comment or testimonial. Unfortunately, as the Interent goes, I started getting 50-100 junk emails through this form and had to remove it. 
So, until the new Website is up and running (soon!), I will have to ask people to formulate an Email of their own and send it. I do want to hear from you so I would really appreciate it if you could take the time to do this.
Simply title your Email "Visitor Comment" and include your name, occupationcomment/testimonial and return Email address (if you want to be contacted) and send it to:
dogtorj @ (Just remove the spaces on each side of the @ sign) 
Please do not use this form to ask medical questions. See the Contact section for instructions for sending DogtorJ an Email inquiry concerning a medical condition. 

Great News! will be getting a major facelift in the very near future. Yes, the time has finally come for this homemade Website to be taken over by someone who actually knows what they are doing. I know that you all join me in looking forward to having the site better organized and more accessible. It'll be prettier, too!
This is taking place for a number of reasons, the most of important of which will be revealed in the upcoming months. Yes, the book is finally in the works but there will be a major awareness project to go along with it.
So, please stay tuned. Anyone who would like to get on my mailing list can do so by simply using the visitor's comment area (like the one above) found at the bottom of each page.
Onward and upward!
Dogtor J